020 8301 8744 | The best number to reach us on at the moment is: 07598 269312 info@mpacollege.co.uk

Performance Course – TOTHECORE

ToTheCore is a professionally run performing arts training company directed by Zak Nemorin. Through separate enrolment and added course fee it may lead to the Level 4 ATCL Diploma.

It was created in association with Millennium Performing Arts, The Dancers Development Fund, & TheJazzCore Company.

ToTheCore aims to provide its members with a well-rounded experience performing in a professional company.

Company members gain valuable guided practice in the art of independent training, performance and stage craft, theatre etiquette and working as both a solo artist as well as an ensemble member.

This course normally runs from April to June (with a half term break) and consists of:

  • Company classes held at the MPA studios in Central London
  • Rehearsals for performance pieces with current leading industry professionals
  • Performance opportunities similar to a professional company, both in solo work and ensemble
  • Opportunity to create material for a showreel
  • Opportunity to learn valuable audition skills by experiencing auditions in real time and via self-taping for acceptance onto the cast of a piece.

Company classes and workshops include disciplines such as ballet, jazz dance, contemporary dance, tap dance, hip hop, commercial dance, singing, acting, and body management.

A typical morning session would include warm-up or training classes in dance and/or vocal work, depending on the activities of the afternoon sessions, which are devoted to rehearsals and the creation of show material, to be performed at several opportunities throughout the term.


Company classes and workshops include disciplines such as ballet, jazz dance, contemporary dance, tap dance, hip hop, commercial dance, singing, acting, and body management.

A typical morning session would include warm-up or training classes in dance and/or vocal work, depending on the activities of the afternoon sessions, which are devoted to rehearsals and the creation of show material, to be performed at several opportunities throughout the term.